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JOG 3 letter word which starts with the letter J and ends with the letter G

We have found 6 definitions.

(v. t.) To push or shake with the elbow or hand; to jostle; esp. to push or touch in order to give notice to excite one's attention or to warn.
(v. t.) To suggest to; to notify; to remind; to call the attention of; as to jog the memory.
(v. t.) To cause to jog; to drive at a jog as a horse. See Jog v. i.
(v. i.) To move by jogs or small shocks like those of a slow trot; to move slowly leisurely or monotonously; -- usually with on sometimes with over.
(n.) A slight shake; a shake or push intended to give notice or awaken attention; a push; a jolt.
(n.) A rub; a slight stop; an obstruction; hence an irregularity in motion of from; a hitch; a break in the direction of a line or the surface of a plane.

Syllable Information

The word JOG is a 3 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word JOG is JOG

Other words from JOG

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word JOG.

3 Letter Words