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PILLAR 6 letter word which starts with the letter P and ends with the letter R
(n.) The general and popular term for a firm upright insulated support for a superstructure; a pier column or post; also a column or shaft not supporting a superstructure as one erected for a monument or an ornament. |
(n.) Figuratively that which resembles such a pillar in appearance character or office; a supporter or mainstay; as the Pillars of Hercules; a pillar of the state. |
(n.) A portable ornamental column formerly carried before a cardinal as emblematic of his support to the church. |
(n.) The center of the volta ring or manege ground around which a horse turns. |
(a.) Having a support in the form of a pillar instead of legs; as a pillar drill. |
The word PILLAR is a 6 letter word that contains 2 syllables .
The syllable division for the word PILLAR is PIL-LAR
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word PILLAR.